Saturday 27 September 2014

Excursion finale - LONDON to PARIS

Finally, it was the last day we stayed in London.
*emo face*

We checked out from hostel at 10am and leaved our luggage in hostel store room, as we were going to Portobello Market and it would be inconvenient for us to bring along bulky luggage.

I found that the market was very similar to our country's market, in terms of circulations, population and way of display items. The main difference is - it is located in between two rows of shops selling wearable items, foods, antiques, second-hand items and crafts, etc. as if the shop lots are part of the market too.


Street performers can be found everywhere. Even in market.

Market views.

Black bottom cupcake yayyyyyy!

Abbey Road - a famous street for the Beatles Crosswalk in their album Abbey Road in 1969.

As the crosswalk was famous, there were many people visited the road with the same purpose with us - take picture with the posture of the Beatles in their album. Some of the cars honked on those visitors who took long time posing on the crosswalk as the traffic there was slightly busy.

Abbey Road Studios.

Was taking the photo of the crosswalk and these two guys
bumped into the scene. Ah, never mind. This is the clearest
photo I have for the crosswalk.

Before we gathered at the hostel in evening, we went to Oxford circus to experience the city lifestyle of London.
(...okay, we were shopping actually *hides*)

The atmosphere is busy and stylish with modern architectures of shops and shopping malls.
(why no picture? busy for last minute shopping for sure *hides again*)

After gathering in the hostel, we carried our luggage and proceeded to Victoria Coach Station. We reached earlier than the departure time, thus we rested in the station as we were tired carrying the heavy baggage and bought our supper in nearby supermarket (indeed the main purpose is to spend all the coins we left).

In Victoria coach station waiting for departure.

My dinner - kebab (it's ugly i know...the scattered fillings...)
My last meal in London is not a  London food.

10 hours journey back to Paris. With bus.
 Challenge accepted.

We reached Paris around 9am++. From Paris, we took RER to airport and took flight return to our home country.

The last RER ticket I used.

Aww I will miss this place.

Beautiful Dubai city view from plane.
For your information, we went back by Emirates Airline too,
and finally I marathon-ed all Harry Potter movies xDDD


It was an unforgettable journey. I would travel to the same place in future if I have chance again!

Here's the end of Europe trip posts.
Back to heavy assignment loads *cries*

Hot weather......

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