Saturday 27 September 2014

Excursion part6 - PARIS to LONDON

We leaved Paris and went to London this day, 16th September.

We checked out hotel at 10am and proceeded to train station by metro. Before we leaved, we shopped in the supermarket for our lunch and also some French foods to be brought back home.

Pasta as breakfast, cheese as souvenirs for family and friend,
and chocolate mint mousse as dessert.

Ready to leave Paris!

London is another new world for me, although it's similar with Paris (such as weather, people, etc.).

Reached London safely!

The train station of London.

Classical and modern fusion of London train station.

First view when I stepped out from
Russel Square tube station.

Londoners called their rapid transit as tube due to the tubular shape of the train and tunnel-look underground station. The rapid transit fare system is similar to our country, where Oyster card can be used in most of the public transports in London as long as credit is pre-loaded like Touch n Go card in Malaysia. But people can also choose to buy tickets if they are not using cards.

We went to check in our hostel right after we reached Russel Square station by tube. The Generator hostel is just in walking distance from the tube station.

The ambiance of the hostel is very lively and delightful. The special-designed lighting, finishes and mural graphics, installations, etc. are impressive and comfortable.

One of the most interesting thing is floors are divided into a few London themes:-
0 - Wonderland
1 - Powers
2 - Bond
3 - Poppins (**our rooms located on this floor!)
4 - Dr Who
5 - Willy Wonka
6 - Ali G

Some photos taken in the hostel:-

Discussion and eating booth seating.

They provide self-serviced breakfast here.

While waiting for checking in, we rest and
talk and walk around to take pictures.

Cafe area. Like the eating area so much with fabric finishes
on wall, ceiling and floor.

The escalator is quite small. It can only fit four people.

Poppins! Our rooms were located in this level~

The Poppins mural!

Room keys.

Activities are held almost everyday for youths
 such as Open Mic, Bikini Beach Band, etc.

Activities lists.

Photo booth.

They have several interesting spaces and facilities: travel shops where tickets of city tour can be found, laundry and ironing area, cafe, bar where night activities are held (we didn't join though, we didn't even have time to join), lounge for people to relax and socialize, photo machine, etc.

After checking in and a short rest, we went to Covent garden and had a quick walk there before the Lion King theater show in Lyceum Theater started.

Long-waited market visiting!

Eye-catching stalls.

Flowers and plants are sold in the market.

Brick walls make the market looked classical, yet the glass roof at the center gives life and transparency to the market. Crafts, foods, souvenirs and many other items can be found there, in stalls and shops. It is a nice venue for performers to show their talent there and earn money too.

Music performance which attracted crowds.

Art market.

The street view on the way going to the
Lyceum theater (aww I like this classical ambiance)

The Lion King musical theater show is based on Disney animated movie - the Lion King. The combination of colorful props and stage sets, melodic live-performed music, lighting and laser, and of course the wonderful voice of performers make the show fabulous!

Facade look of Lyceum Theatre where Lion King
musical thratre is showed.

Taken before the show started.

Again, I didn't take any photos during the show... Fell asleep at the middle of the show due to tiredness and dark surrounding. *sobs*

The night weather in London was chilling and even colder than that in Paris! We didn't bring coats and jackets as it was the first day we reached London and daytime weather was warmer.


That's all for my first day in London.

it means "No Worries".

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