Saturday 27 September 2014

Excursion part2 - PARIS

Bonjour again!
I will touch about things we did on the day we reached Paris.

After we leaved the airport, we took bus and metro (rapid transit system of Paris) to our first destination - Eiffel Tower, a must-visit landmark in Paris.

The art nouveau style entrance of underground metro station impressed me as I only see this kind of design in books and internet before this. Unlike LRT in Malaysia, metro stations are old and dense for me. Absence of natural lighting (as most of the stations are underground) makes the atmosphere gloomy, however the posters of advertisements decorate the wall and bring lives to the space.

View in a metro station.

View in a RER station.

Some of the train, unlike that in Malaysia too, is still using manual door system, where passengers have to push button or pull up metal handle in order to open the doors and leave/enter the coaches. Ventilation inside the train is not depending on air-conditioners but the openings.

I only know how to use the manual doors after a few times I took the metro... *hides*

On the way going to the Eiffel tower, we kept stopping and taking photos of the tower.

Once we reached there and looked at the tower from bottom, the bronze color-painted iron structural architecture amazed me deeply! That gigantic iron structure! The beauty of symmetry and lines! Wow! 

I was like...
*jumps everywhere like a kid*

View from bottom. I can't believe that I can see the real
Eiffel tower instead of pictures from books and internet!

My friend passed me this.
I thought it's just a normal information paper or what.
*close up look*
Ticket to access the Eiffel tower's second floor.
*bricks myself*

We got chance to access to second floor of the tower. Although the queue at the entrance was very looooong and it was so hot as if we are "ikan bakar", we enjoyed ourselves by taking photos of Paris spectacular view and a crazy lot of selfies under strong and cool breeze.

The slanted elevator.

We need to pay for using this. Well...

View 1

View 2

View 3

My phone camera has no panorama function, 
so I took video instead.

Souvenir shop in the tower.

Nothing to say. Just wow.

How to take stylish photo in tourist spots.
Bad photo vs Fashionable photo.
What inspired us to do so? Click here.

I wanted to share my experience to my friends and family on the spot so badly, unfortunately Wi-Fi there was too weak. *sobs*

Under the tower is the spots for visitors to take photos, souvenirs sellers walk around and talk to visitors to promote their keychains and miniatures of Eiffel tower (and most of them run when they saw polices), performers catching people's eyes with weird yet interesting performances, and stalls and shops selling souvenirs, foods and drinks.

Since Ms. Sharmila said we can actually
deal with the sellers to get 15 keychains
with 1 euro... (this is Emma's experience,
I just sat beside her)

After leaving the tower in evening, we found a better view of Eiffel tower at the grass field, so we stopped and took a crazy lot of selfie photos again with various patterns and postures.

One of the patterns LOL

After visiting this amazing spot, we went to our accommodation by metro - Park & Suite Apartment Hotel, just a very short walking distance from Villejuif – Léo Lagrange metro station. We went out the hotel to have a walk in the peaceful town of Villejuif at night, and the weather was so COLDDDD! Nobody could stand this weather without jackets or coats.

Here's the end of first day journey. I would never forget the fun and fantastic moment in Eiffel tower!

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