Saturday 27 September 2014

Excursion part7 - LONDON

It's second day since we reached London city. We had our breakfast in the hostel as it was provided to those who have breakfast ticket.

Self-serviced breakfast.
Notice the lighting - it's so stylish!

A self-serviced simple breakfast with bun, ham, cheese,
veges and fruit yoghurt, cereal and several drinks

After breakfast time, we departed to Science Museum by tube. At first I could not brain how interesting would the contents be from the greyish ordinary building facade, but then when I explored the building, I felt sorry for judging a building by its facade.

Disabled folks accessibility is enabled in the museums with elevators, ramps, wheelchairs to lend, etc:-

The ramp.



In front of the entrance hall is the Energy Hall, James Watt and Our World and Foucault's Pendulum. Right side is a cafe while left side is a souvenir shop. The large aluminum energy ring with LED screen at inner face hung to the high ceiling caught my eyes.

Shop in Science Museum.

Energy Cafe.

Energy Hall with LED energy ring.

Ticket counter for temporary exhibitions and IMax Movies.

Behind the main hall is another section - Exploring Space with dim outer space-look surrounding. The circulation is radial as the main way to the next exhibition area is centered while displays and interaction activities are located at the side of the space.

A gigantic rocket model is hung on the center of the
 high ceiling.

Interesting model of space

The next section is Making the Modern World, displaying various old and new objects which mark new departures in technology and science, from items as huge as transportation, architecture, machines, to tiny objects such as watch, pistols, tableware, etc.

Gigantic model at top too.

Cuteeee display!

Access to models display area at mezzanine floor.

After the Making the Modern World, there are three spaces - Pattern Pod, Antenna- Science News, and Deep Blue Diner restaurant. The whole area look futuristic due to blue tinted full-height glass wall.

Pattern Pod entrance.

Pattern Pod interior.

Antenna: 3D printing.

Blue tinted glass wall.

Pattern Pod is a children interactive space where trigger children's sensory and creativity.

Antenna- Science News is an exhibition describing how 3D printing works and its potential to be developed in future. There were interactive learning facilities in the gallery too.

There are seven floors in total but I didn't walk through all floors. The programs I mentioned above are located ONLY on ground floor.

First floor consists of IMax theater (ticket is needed to enter), interactive games and galleries based on genes, DNA, agriculture and cosmos.

Corridor to IMax theater. It's so sharp!

Second floor has galleries of Media Space (charged temporary exhibition of photographer Joan Fontcuberta), Oramics to Electronica, Energy (fueling the future), Computing, Mathematics and Atmosphere (exploring climate science).

Seatings for adults and kids.

Interactive galleries.

Ground floor and first floor view from second floor.

I didn't explore third to fifth floor due to time limit. According to the overleaf, third floor is significant with 3D flight simulation theater and Launchpad with over 50 hands-on physic-based exhibits. While fourth and fifth floor are exhibition related to medical history and development.

There is a basement level with funky and colorful ambiance. There are three sections:-

1. The Rubbish Collection (a temporary exhibition and I couldn't enter it as maintenance was carried out)

2. The Garden (sensory-stimulate playground for children involving music, water, lighting, etc.)

3. The Secret Life of the Home exhibition (an exhibition about home gadgets and appliances history and development such as toilet bowl, television, radio, etc.) It was fun to explore how materials, technology and changes in society influence the design and function of home appliances over time.

After the home gadgets exhibition, there is a interactive small gallery about HVAC system.

Staircase to the basement.

The basement entrance.

Ramps are available anywhere in the museum.

What I did when I found here:
*peeks inside through openings like a stalker*

Various activities for kids in The Garden.

The Secret Life of the Home exhibition.

Interesting intro of the exhibition.

Someone peeking from the toilet bowl!

Detail sections of the gadgets.

Graphic explains the gadgets.

Gallery of gadgets from old to modern.

HVAC system gallery.

There is a Basement Cafe offering light pastry and desserts.

Piccadilly Circus - the heart of London city
It is a busy square with many shops and malls, theaters, etc. The outstanding elements of the circus are the Anteros statue located at the centre of the roundabout and the contrast of old and new elements - combination of classical architecture and illuminated signboards and electronic billboards.

Street view.

The roundabout (circus).

Anteros statue.
(I thought it was Cupid until I google-searched it.)

The outstanding electronic billboards.

Here, finally I got chance to try London food - FISH-N-CHIPSSSS! It is a common dish for Londoners and a must-try food for visitors!

The portion was quite big actually.
I thought it won't be enough to me
but at the end I was so full!

It's easy to find double-decker buses, underground stations, street booths selling souvenirs, street artists and performers, etc, which make the whole square lively. It's all the essence of London!

I had no idea what's the meaning but...
* secretly takes picture*

It's too fanciful I couldn't ignore xDDD

A row of street artists.

Unexpectedly found a Malaysian restaurant.

Night scene of London street.
Took this picture randomly so I didn't
 know the street name.

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