Saturday 27 September 2014

Excursion part4 - PARIS

The third day in Paris, 14th September, was a sunny day too - a good day to walk around Paris and visit some interesting places!

First time looking at double-decked train coaches!
Feeling fresh!

Inside the double-decked RER train.

Villa Savoye located in Poissy, the outskirts
of Paris. Architecture and interior architecture
students and designers won't miss this place
while visiting Paris!

The Signage of Villa Savoye.

After briefing from Ms. Sharmila, our minor subject lecturer, and reading the informative overleaf obtained at the counter, I could understand every single elements and functions of each spaces.

So basically, Villa Savoye is a masterpiece of Swiss-born architect Le Corbusier. He broke with traditional architecture bu using five points of new architecture:-
1. Stilts, which means support of ground-level pilotis, elevate the upper floor outwards to create "a box in the air", so that "the house sits on the grass like an object, without disturbing anything"(Le Corbusier).
2. Roof gardens, where plants and floras can be planted.
3. Open-plan, where load-bearing walls relieved with the usage of reinforced concretes. Interior and separating walls can be designed or put freely.
4. Free-floating facade, which means the facade is freed from load-bearing structure and can be placed on the stilts freely.
5. Horizontal window, as the wall is no longer load-bearing, long horizontal windows can be put on the walls for natural lighting and ventilation.

And, Villa Savoye is the most representative building of the new architecture as these five characteristics are clearly shown and implemented on the house. It is the base of International Architecture. It was named Villa Savoye because this villa was designed and built for the Savoye family between 1928 to 1931.

There are few rules to be followed during the tour: Do not touch and move anything, do not access to the second floor, and do not sit on the edges.

Facade look of the building.

Encased spiral staircase leading visitors
up to first floor and second floor.

Geometry and organic mixture. Simple yet superb.

Skylight is used to enlighten the spaces.

Look up to the skylight...

Horizontal windows allow maximum daylight
to enter the spaces.

How the skylight is brought into the space...

Ramp access to third floor.

Space that plays with lighting and color harmony.

Inspiring bathroom design!

Spiral staircase up to third floor. But we are
told not to access the upper level.

The house is accessible for disabled people
 as there's grey lino ramps.

Light and shadow.

Front view of the building which face opposite to the way
we came in. Means...we have to turn a half round to bet inside
the building.

As usual, we took a lot of photos there.

Ready for group photos.

There's one photo we jumped together and I think
this happened to everyone who has long hair.

In afternoon, we were separated into few groups, each group visit destinations the members wish to visit. My group visited the Fragonard Perfume Museum first, which is located near the OpĂ©ra metro station.

Exterior view of the museum, which doesn't
make it looks like a museum.

Floor plans.

It is a private museum of perfume which started operating in 1983 by the Fragonard perfume company. Admission is free-of-charge and a tour guide leads the visitors according to visitors' preference of languages.

The two-storey building consists of traditional facilities of perfume making, perfume packaging and bottles from ancient until modern period, and perfume organ with various perfume essences bottles arranged around a balance used to mix the essences. The tour ended with smelling session, where the tour guide showed us several types of fragrances or perfumes. There are a perfume shops selling their products beside the museum too.

Unfortunately I didn't take many photos there as they didn't allow us to take photos of their private collections and displays.

P/S: I kept the perfume strips in my notebook, and now my notebook is full of the perfume scent. ON EVERY SINGLE PAGES. The scent last so long and didn't fade! So regret for not buying the perfume!

The next place we visited is the Notre Dame. As one of the tourists-must-visit place, it is a historical Catholic cathedral built in Gothic style.

So excited to see the flying buttress, gargoyles and chimeras sculptures and heavy ornaments!

Grand exterior view! It made me realize how little and
insignificant am I...

Arches and flying buttress.

Rear view of Notre Dame seems more
stylish than front view... in my opinion.

Garden behind the cathedral.

Soothing environment wow...

Kids playing area found near the garden

As the queue getting inside the building was super long, we decided to only walk around the surrounding and study its exterior facade. We explored the Pont des Arts Bridge, so-called "Love Locks" bridge where couples attach padlocks with their names written or engraved on them to the railing or the grate on the side of the bridge.

Hundreds and thousands of lock pads.

Seems lock pads are not enough for people
to express their love...?

Wonderful view of the bridge and river!

Goodbye Notre Dame. Off to next destination!

The next destination is Art Ludique museum, a museum of comic art, mangas, videogames, live action cinema and animation, located in Les Docks de Paris, City of Fashion and Design. I wanted to visit this museum for my assignment purpose and also I am a fans of comic and animation. However, the museum was closed when we arrived there, said preparations were carried out for next temporary exhibition.
*sobs in the corner*

Therefore we walked around the centre - Les Docks de Paris as we had extra time.

The structures are rough and remained unfinished - concrete beams and columns, exposed piping systems, painted metal beams, etc. It seems that the building is just opened recently as there are only few shops and used spaces, including the Art Ludique museum, French Institution of Fashion, a furniture shop, a book cafe, clubs and rooftop restaurants.

It is quite a happening space for youths, as there was an event held in the outdoor club.

Facade of the building.

Art Ludique Museum sign.

Interior of the building.

The metals and concretes and woods.

Installation in the building. The blocks
could be rotated.

Staircase in the building leading to upper floor.

Closed shops.

View through the glass.

Another installation.

Urh... *idontunderstandwhatitmeeans-face*

This is the second floor (if I'm not mistaken)
and this floor was not used yet.

Staircase leading to rooftop.

Restaurant on rooftop.

Interior view of the building.

Outdoor club. There was an event happening with loud

Directory board.

The next temporary exhibition would be related to
Studio Ghibli.

Events and activities board. All in French
I cannot understand LOL.

Building information board. All in French, too.

Entrance and exit of the building.

The building has a significant tube structure on its facade - a neon-green color tunnel of staircase, attracting people's attention from far. After I searching the building information online, I found that inspiration of the structure came from the Seine river, which is located beside the building. It will be developed into fashion and design hub in the future.

Although I didn't manage to visit Art Ludique museum, I found such an inspiring and nice place to explore here.

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