Monday 17 August 2015

Experience Culture Trip to Kuala Selangor & Sabak Bernam (pt.2)

Hello again! Thanks for staying tuned for my update!
This posts will touch about the second day of the trip mentioned.

Had a refreshing morning outside the hotel - fishing village scene which I have never seen before.
The atmosphere is so calming and soothing. The shadow of the boats and houses reflected on the river formed an artistic scenery. And yea, time to feed my camera indeed.

The relaxing environment there.

Another destination of the morning is Pantai B.N.O.
Finally I have chance to interact with local people. A few Malay residents were digging the sand at the beach, looking for clams and small seafood to be sold or cooked. Kids were helping too, and some were playing around.
They are friendly and willing to talk with us, as well as letting us to take photos and record videos.

View of the beach.

Kids were looking for clams at the beach.
Nearly forgot to mention that there's mangrove forest along the
beach. Mangrove trees are significance of Selangor state
because there are a few stories about the naming of Selangor
came from these trees.

Fishing villages are just within walking distance from the beach, thus we decided to explore the villages since it's a rare chance to witness the fisheries life.
However the weather is hot and it was a tough walking journey for me...

We had spent too much time on exploring the beach, so we missed the moment the fishermen unload their catchings from the ships for further processing.
We could only able to walk around and interview people there, mostly about how to process the seafood before they sell it at the market.

Aunties there were cutting shell of the shrimps which were
caught 2-3 days ago. They mentioned that shells, legs and heads
of the shrimps have to be cut before trading to restaurants or
selling at the market.

This is a machine which separates clams and other substances
such as rubbish, shells, etc. We missed the moment they use
this machine to filter the catchings too...

The bridge/ dock which looks unstable.

Walking back to the beach at noon was torturing, some more it was windless that time.

Without hesitation, my classmate and I ordered Ais Kacang on Zaiton Mee Udang, a food stall located at seaside.
The icy and sweet dessert is really refreshing!

Since Zaiton Mee Udang is famous for its prawn noodles and other seafood, for my group assignment sake (food trail video), we decided to stay there for our lunch instead of following the big group of others to free open-house meal organized by district PKR.
And we made a correct decision because THE FOODS ARE REALLY NICE!

Ice Kacang and Laici Kang. It was super
enjoyable having these icy desserts under
hot weather!

Mee Special Udang, signature dish of Zaiton Mee Udang.

Had an educational tour on after the satisfying meal - visit to Sabak Bernam District Museum.
It's a small museum, yet it's quite informative with impressive scaled-model, ship-shaped display area and displays of various tools i.e. paddy harvesting tools, netting for fishery, etc.
Sad thing is, the Warisan Budaya (a traditional Malay house which display more traditional items) was closed that day and we could only take photos of its facade.

After that is a rest and we enjoyed Nasi Ambeng and other Malay cuisine, a popular yet unique dish at Restoran Lela Best.
It is a Javanese food and was brought to Sabak Bernam during past time, becoming a significant cuisine of Sabak Bernam.
The ingredients and contents of the dish is kinda special - rice, noodles, mee-hoon, sambal, spiced grated coconut, chicken meat and boiled egg. Noodles and mee-hon are considered as side dish, although they are usually eaten as main dishes. The portion looks big and enough for sharing with 2-3 people.

Chilling environment there.

Another Malay food we tried there - tapai pulut, glutinous rice
wrapped in banana leaves with heavy vinegar or alcoholic
or sweet sour taste. Kinda weird taste for me but not bad.

Food trip was still continued after that. We went to souvenir and snack shop. Variety of traditional snacks i.e. Rempeyek, coconut cookies, sweet potato chips, fried banana chips, etc. were sold there, and they prepared some snacks there for visitors to taste so that we would buy if we like it.

Had a crazy and fun moment with my classmates during rest time in hotel before dinner.
We gathered in a room and played "watermelon game". Losers of each rounds will be drawn a black dot on face and cannot be removed until the night. A lot of fun there because our face had increased so many "molds" LOL!

Our conversation with Ms. Aida.

Before we proceeded to one of the biggest activities of this trip (which is fireflies watching), we had a superb seafood dinner at restaurant nearby. And yea, for your information, the "molds" were still there of course.
How could we miss the proper seafood meal during Kuala Selangor trip? Especially CRABS! PRAWNS! (although I didn't eat prawn because I have allergy to it...but I am okay with other seafood)

Our seafood dinner! Crab is a must-have dish here!
"Behind the scene" at video below...

I had no idea how the fireflies look like, so I was so looking forward to the fireflies watching session.
The guy who drove the boat kept talking jokes while explaining about the fireflies (in Chinese, therefore non-Chinese participants had no idea what he was talking about...).

After awhile, I saw some tiny white sparks in the mangrove forest. It was so dreamy as if I am looking at a night sky with sparkling stars! The bling was so tiny that it is impossible to film or capture with camera. It looked somehow like this:

...yes, it's really really really tiny like this and cannot be
captured with any camera. (Googled image)

First night was ostracod, and the second night was the fireflies. I felt so delighted for having chance to explore these wonderful scenes.
Although I have no energy left for design project tutorial session with Ms. Raja at night...... Yea we had tutorial session with our lecturer even during class trip! This is YOLO final semester students life /dead

Continue reading my third day trip experience here! 

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