Monday 17 August 2015

Experience Culture Trip to Kuala Selangor & Sabak Bernam (pt.4)

This is the last post for the trip.
Going to cover what we did before we went back to Kuala Lumpur here, so this would be a short post.

Since Pantai Remis is just nearby the resort, my buddies and I decided to rent some bicycles riding around the area as well as looking for breakfast.

I don't know how to ride bicycle, so we rented a tandem bicycle which can be ridden by two people, the one who know how to ride bicycle sit in front and another behind.

We found a small warung near the beach, therefore we stopped and have a simple Malay breakfast - nasi lemak with chicken, eggs, etc. and normal beverages i.e. teh, milo, kopi, etc.
I am familiar with self-service system, but this was the first time I encounter such situation where we eat first, then the owner/worker only come and count the money.
I wonder how if there's people cheat on the food they took since everything has been eaten... Of course we were not cheating!

We didn't spend much time on Pantai Remis because there were not much activities there since it's still early morning, and we planned to swim in the resort's swimming pool.

Had a crazy fun time with classmates and juniors playing in the swimming pool!

1, 2, JUMP! I was the most coward one because I didn't jump
when everyone did so... Credits to junior, Flo (if I'm not

We checked out at noon and ready to go for the last fresh seafood lunch before we end the trip!

It is an awesome restaurant with panoramic river view and delicious seafood. I heard that this restaurant is famous for its fresh and delicious seafood dishes.

It looked spacious because that time was still noon and not
crowded yet.

Enjoying the riverside view while eating was so relaxing.

To be honest, the dishes here were much better than the
one we ate before the fireflies watching. I had never eat such
nice and fresh crabs before!

Right after we had our lunch, we enjoyed Cendol Bakar before we went back to Kuala Lumpur.

It is one of the famous cuisine brand in Kuala Selangor, but don't expect the cendol to bakar (burned) because the creator named it Cendol Bakar for his name Mr. Bakar.
Other than that, they roast the gula Melaka (palm sugar) which is one of the ingredients of the cendol. So it is considered burned cendol...?
What the most awesome is, they have drive-thru service!
Imagine a kampung styled house selling cendol works like McDonalds where people can buy food without parking and getting out from their car...Wow.

By the way, the cendol was nice and savory with the rich ingredients inside.
I ordered cendol durian for myself, and the durian taste was so rich with coconut milk, nata de coco (yea my favorite), corns, nuts and other fillings (i.e. selasih).

Another dish I ordered is Lempeng Pisang, a kind of banana pancake with shredded coconut filling.
It is tasty for me but not for the rest (my classmates)... I don't know why.

The one in front is cendol durian, whereas the one behind is
Lempeng Pisang.

Sad thing happened during the dessert time.
I had stomach pain while eating the cendol, which I think is due to eating too full during the seafood lunch, and I had been facing constipation problems for few days and something is going to "boom out"...
I thought I would be fine after a while, therefore I didn't go to the toilet there, but I was so regret during the return journey.
Well...had an uncomfortable experience on the way back to Kuala Lumpur.

To be honest, I was so glad that I visited Kuala Selangor and Sabak Bernam for my last class trip as it is a totally different experience with previous trips.
I am a Malaysian, yet there is still plenty of local culture, cuisine and community lifestyle to be understand and explored.
From arts like batik painting to casual activities like fish catching and preparing seafood meal, I have gain a lot of skills, knowledge and joy.
Thanks to our lecturers,  Ms. Baizura, Ms. Raja Haliza and Ms. Seri Intan for planning and leading us during the trip, as well as my classmates and cute juniors for helping and having fun together.

Credits to Leo.

Back to continue mountains of assignments. Stay tuned for my next post soon!

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